
White Pelicans, Woodstorks, Vultures and Racoons at Circle B Bar Reserve 01-26-14

We specifically went to Circle B Bar Reserve this morning around sunrise time (but was overcast and cool and we didn't see the sun pop through the clouds until we were preparing to leave at around 9:10 AM) to view the gathering of White Pelicans which others have seen recently.

While we didn't see them fishing as a group, there were oodles of Pelicans all over the lake. We spent nearly an hour observing them in 2 separation spots.

Enjoy the videos

Bob joked that we spent sooooooooo loooooooong observing the pelicans that moss started growing on my bike! :)

We saw 4 scampering raccoons on Alligator Alley but only got to quickly film these 2

I liked the water shimmering with the reflection of this tree

A tree of Turkey Vultures

 A Woodstock observes us cycling along the path way beneath it

Tree of Woodstorks